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1 pcs. $329
6 pcs. $319
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21 pcs. $309

Juvederm Ultra 4 with Lidocaine (2x1ml)

(2 customer reviews)
Two 1 ml syringes, four 27G 1/2 needles, four traceability labels


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  • Where to Buy Juvederm Ultra 4 Online?

    One of the places where to buy Juvederm Ultra 4 (2x1ml) online is a Fillercloud website. While being a trustworthy supplier of medical and cosmetic injectables, it offers:

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    Please note: You have to be a licensed health care provider to place your order on a Fillercloud website.

    So, how about giving Fillercloud a try and getting the needed product for the most reasonable price?

  • Basic Properties of Juvederm Ultra 4 (2x1ml)

    Juvéderm Ultra (2x1ml) is a cosmetic injectable that is produced in France by Allergan. It is mainly used to take care of skin aging signs.

    The pyrogenic-free product has a smooth gel-like consistency and high density. Its composition consists of the following ingredients:

    • Cross-linked hyaluronic acid of high concentration (24 mg/ml) and non-animal origin;
    • Lidocaine hydrochloride;
    • Phosphate buffer.

    Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid fills in skin depressions and accelerates natural collagen production, it functions as the main active substance of the product. Lidocaine (strength 3 mg/ml), in its turn, reduces a patient’s pain and discomfort during the injection. And phosphate buffer regulates the pH level of a patient.

    While being a hyaluronic acid gel, Juvederm Ultra 4 is manufactured with the help of advanced 3D Matrix technology. It ensures the substantial durability of a dermal filler and prevents it to degrade prematurely. On average, the Juvederm Ultra 4 injectable implant remains within the human body for up to 12 months. However, it strongly depends on such individual peculiarities of a patient as their age, skin type, and lifestyle.

    According to its treatment protocol, the product should be administered into either the deep dermis or lip mucosa of a patient’s skin with the help of a 27G 1/2 needle. The process should be done exclusively by a medical professional.

    What’s in the box? The Juvederm Ultra 4 (2x1ml) package includes two syringes with 1ml of the preparation each, four 27G 1/2 needles, and labels to ensure traceability.

  • Juvederm Ultra 4 Indications

    Juvederm Ultra 4 is used to treat different age-related skin issues. The main application areas of the product include:

    • Lips;
    • Chin;
    • Cheeks;
    • Nasolabial area;
    • Forehead.

    In other words, it is a universal product that might be injected into both the facial oval and lips of a patient.

    The primary indications for Juvederm Ultra 4 injections might be subdivided into two groups, namely deep depressions and lost volume of a patient’s skin. When being more precise, the product is used to:

    • Fill in deep skin depressions (such as wide marionette lines, deep nasolabial folds, and other severe wrinkles);
    • Add volume to certain parts of a patient’s face (like chin or cheeks);
    • Plump lips.

    Thus, Juvederm Ultra 4 is a physiological solution that might effectively correct deep wrinkles, participate in chin or cheekbone augmentation, and serve as a product for a profound lip enhancement.


  • Juvederm Ultra 4 Contraindications

    Juvederm Ultra 4 Contraindications

    A pre-filled syringe of Juvederm Ultra 4 should not be administered under a patient’s skin under the following circumstances:

    • If a patient has an allergy or individual hypersensitivity to any component of the product (especially cross-linked hyaluronic acid or lidocaine);
    • If a patient has a serious health complication (like a severe form of diabetes mellitus, autoimmune disorder, or epilepsy);
    • If a patient undergoes incompatible treatments (for instance, a chemical peel) or takes conflicting medications;
    • If a patient suffers from an ongoing skin infection around the area of the product’s administration;
    • If a patient is predisposed to excessive scarring;
    • If a patient is pregnant or breastfeeding.

    To be sure that a patient does not have any limitations to the deep dermis injection of a dermal filler, it is necessary to consult with a medical practitioner beforehand.

  • Juvederm Ultra 4 Possible Side Effects

    Juvederm Ultra 4 injectionThe procedure of filling deep wrinkles or augmenting lips with the help of Juvederm Ultra 4 might lead to several side effects, namely:

    • The feeling of pain or discomfort around the injection area;
    • Skin irritation (such as redness, itching, and swelling);
    • Bruising.

    In most cases, these symptoms disappear on their own within several days after the injection. Therefore, they do not tend to require the medical assistance of doctors.

    However, it is still preferable to consult with a health care practitioner if a patient notices any side effects after the administration of a dermal filler.

  • After-Treatment Recovery Recommendations

    One of the numerous benefits of the Juvederm Ultra 4 gel is that its administration requires little to no downtime. Therefore, a patient might safely get back to their usual lifestyle within several hours after the injection.

    Nevertheless, there exists a number of after-treatment recovery recommendations that might not only prolong the result of the filler but also eliminate the possibility of any serious complications. For instance, a patient should follow these rules for the first week after the procedure:

    • Stay away from direct sun exposure or apply a sun-protection cream to the injection site;
    • Avoid the sources of excessive heat by means of excluding hot bath tubes or saunas;
    • Do not exercise strenuously;
    • Evade wearing heavy makeup;
    • Do not pull or push the skin.
  1. Wyatt Martinez

    5 of 5

    As for me, it is the most effective dermal filler in the Juvederm line.

  2. Aiden Sullivan

    4 of 5

    4 out of 5. Recommend.

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  • What is Juvederm Ultra 4 used for?

    Juvederm Ultra 4 is an intense dermal filler that might be used to correct deep wrinkles and restore facial volume.

  • How long does Juvederm Ultra 4 last?

    On average, Juvederm Ultra 4 lasts about twelve months. However, its exact duration strongly depends on the individual peculiarities of each patient (such as their skin type, age, and lifestyle).

  • What is the difference between Juvederm Ultra 3 and Juvederm Ultra 4?

    Juvederm Ultra 4 is slightly more intense than Juvederm Ultra 3 and, therefore, might be used to treat more intense skin creases.

  • Can Juvederm Ultra 4 be injected into lips?

    Yes, Juvederm Ultra 3 might be injected into lips to increase their volume.

  • What are the side effects of Juvederm Ultra 4?

    Side effects of Juvederm Ultra 4 are minimal. They might include temporary skin redness, itching, and swelling around the injection site. These symptoms usually fade away within two to five days after the procedure.

  • Is Juvederm Ultra 4 FDA approved?

    Yes, Juvederm Ultra 4 is an FDA-approved dermal filler.

  • What is the difference between Juvederm Voluma and Juvederm Ultra 4?

    Juvederm Voluma and Juvederm Ultra 3 have different consistencies and are produced with the help of different technologies.

  • What is the difference between Juvederm Ultra 4 and Juvederm Ultra Plus?

    Juvederm Ultra Plus has a thicker consistency than Juvederm Ultra 4. Therefore, it might be used to treat deeper skin creases.