Botox: Before- and After-Treatment Recommendations
Date: 4 May 2023
Authors: Melanie Elmer

Botox injections are strongly beloved by healthcare providers and their patients all over the world. While having a wide range of medical and aesthetic indications, they gain more and more popularity from day to day.

The below-mentioned information deals with before- and after-treatment recommendations for you to follow to maximize the results and minimize the complications of Botox treatments. Let us go across them right away!

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About Botox in a Nutshell

Above anything else, how about discussing Botox in a nutshell? Let us go through its definition, indications, contraindications, working principle, and expected results.


Botox is an injectable treatment based on botulinum toxin (type A). Due to its strong muscle-relaxing properties, it might be used to address a wide range of health and beauty issues related to muscle contraction.

Botulinum toxin (type A) is a naturally occurring substance produced by the bacterium of Clostridium botulinum. While being dangerous and useful at the same time, it should be administered beneath the skin of a Botox patient by a certified healthcare provider.


Botox treatment might be used for a number of medical and aesthetic indications. So, how about taking a closer look at them right away?

Medical Indications

Medical indications of Botox injections include:

  • Muscle spasms;
  • Strabismus;
  • Overactive bladder;
  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Chronic migraine;
  • And so on.

Muscle spasms in the neck, eyelid, jaw, vagina, back, and other body zones might be effectively reduced by Botox. The main reason for it is that botulinum toxin (type A) has the power to create muscle relaxation.

Strabismus is a health problem that might be defined as improper eye alignment. It occurs mainly due to a disorder of eye muscles and, therefore, might be effectively treated by an injection of Botox.

Overactive bladder is also a health problem caused by a muscle disorder. It is characterized by a too-frequent urge to urinate and, thus, causes much discomfort. Luckily, Botox treatment usually leads to great results it taking care of it.

Hyperhidrosis might be defined as excessive underarm sweating. This “seemingly harmless” health problem might make a person feel very uncomfortable. A single procedure of Botox injection might take care of it in a safe and pain-free way.

Chronic migraine (or, in other words, severe headache occurring on a regular basis) is also often caused by muscle contraction. Therefore, Botox is characterized by great effectiveness when taking care of it.

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Aesthetic Indications

Aesthetic indications of Botox injections, in their turn, include:

  • Dynamic wrinkles around three areas of the face (low, mid, and upper);
  • Thin lips;
  • Facial asymmetry;
  • Drooping eyelids.

Dynamic wrinkles appear on a patient’s face as a result of muscle contraction that appears due to active mimics. They include mild to moderate forehead lines, crow’s feet, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, severe frown lines, and so on. These skin imperfections might be effectively reduced by a cosmetic treatment that uses an injection of botulinum toxin (type A).

Unless treated in due time, dynamic wrinkles might turn into static wrinkles, which, in their turn, might be taken care of by dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid.

Thin lips might also be addressed by Botox injections. More precisely, botulinum toxin (type A) might be used to make the upper lip appear optically fuller with the help of a Botox lip flip procedure. With its help, a patient might acquire more attractive lips without adding any extra volume to them.

Facial asymmetry might also be taken care of by having Botox injected into contracted muscles around a patient’s face. Depending on a zone of asymmetry, botulinum toxin might be administered into different facial areas (for instance, jawline or chin asymmetry might be reduced by having Botox injected into the masseter muscle).

Drooping eyelids might also be addressed by Botox treatments. Therefore, botulinum toxin (type A) is frequently used to elevate brows to make the look of a person more open and optically reduce the appearance of sagging skin above the eyes.


Botox is a safe treatment that received FDA approval. It rarely causes any adverse reactions or complications. However, the procedure of Botox should not be used under any of the following circumstances:

  • Intake of blood thinners one week before the intended procedure;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Serious health problems (for instance, diabetes mellitus, poor blood clotting, or untreated epilepsy);
  • Ongoing skin irritation around the injection site;
  • Allergy to botulinum toxin (type A).

A patient might have other contraindications to the injection of Botox. Usually, they have to be figured out by a healthcare provider during the free consultation before the planned procedure.

Working Principle

Botox should be administered intramuscularly with the help of a fine gauge needle and a syringe. The procedure has to be performed exclusively by a certified healthcare provider.

Shortly after getting into a patient’s body, botulinum toxin (type A) starts to block nerve signals attached to muscles in the treated area. It eventually leads to muscle relaxation.

Expected Results

Botox results are very natural-looking. They are also pretty durable but nevertheless non-permanent. Namely, botulinum toxin (type A) results usually fade away due to the power of the human body to restore nerve signals blocked during the procedure.

The time within which the results of Botox fade away depends on such individual peculiarities of each patient as their metabolism, age, and lifestyle. As well, the used dose of botulinum toxin (type A) and the area of the treatment play a role here.

In most cases, the expected results of Botox equal six months. Still, individual results of botulinum toxin (type A) injections might vary.

Before- and After-Treatment Recommendations in Regard to Botox

In order to get the best possible outcome of the treatment, it is essential to adhere to several before- and after-Botox injections recommendations. Let us go through them right away!

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Before-Treatment Recommendations

Before the injection of Botox, a patient should avoid anti-inflammatory medications and alcohol for at least a week before the scheduled treatment. As well, it is essential to sleep well.

#1. Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Medications

The intake of anti-inflammatory medications before the injection of Botox might cause bruising around the treated area. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid them at least several days before the treatment.

#2. Stay Away from Alcohol

Generally, the consumption of alcohol is not beneficial for a patient’s health (especially before the injection of Botox). Thus, it is of great importance to stay away from drinking alcohol shortly before undergoing botulinum toxin (type A) treatment.

#3. Sleep Well

Having enough sleep (at least seven hours) is also exceptionally important before Botox treatment. It will help your body to have enough energy and resources to react well to the upcoming injection of botulinum toxin (type A).botox before and after

After-Treatment Recommendations

It is also important to stick to certain recommendations after the injection of Botox. Namely, be careful with heavy makeup, strenuous exercising, and direct sun exposure for at least a couple of days after the procedure.

#1. Be Careful with Makeup

If Botox was administered into such facial areas as the forehead, chin, jawline, jowls, upper lip, and so on, it is important not to apply makeup to them several days after the treatment. This way, you will let your skin rest and regenerate after the intrusion.

#2. Evade Strenuous Exercising

Exercising strenuously might also be harmful after the injection of Botox. Namely, it might cause substantial skin bruising around the area of the treatment. So, it is preferable to postpone sport for at least a couple of days.

#3. Stay Protected from Direct Sun Exposure

Last but not least, remember that direct ultraviolet rays are damaging to the skin. They reduce its level of moisture, which eventually leads to the early appearance of crow’s feet, marionette lines, nasolabial folds (or, in other words, those lines that usually become visible while smiling), and other wrinkles.

Moreover, direct sunlight might reduce the duration of the results of Botox. Thus, either stay away from it or always apply a sunscreen cream to your skin before going out on a warm sunny day.

Final Words

All in all, Botox is an advantageous product with a wide range of medical and aesthetic indications. It is characterized by safe, natural-looking, and long-lasting results.

While adherence to the above-mentioned before- and after-Botox injections recommendations can make these results even better (as well as minimize the risks of any unwanted complications). Here you can see a visual comparison of before and after Botox photos.

So, how about experiencing all the benefits of Botox yourself?

If you are a licensed healthcare provider, feel free to order a wide range of
botulinum toxin products (including Botox) online on FillerCloud.

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